1.choose from a variety of vegetables that can be grown in a pot or a container. Read the tags on the vegetable seed packets to learn the requirements or ask an employee to help you find the correct seeds.
2.growth of the vegetables. Small containers tend to constrict the plant and it dies quickly. Choose from a variety of clay, wooden or plastic pots. It is advisable to use a plastic pot with small holes for adequate drainage and root growth. Other pots tend to dry out quickly, whereas a plastic pot retains moisture and is considered a good medium for homegrown vegetables
3.Purchase a mixture of good quality pot soil, vermiculite, sphagnum peat moss, compost bark, perlite and a fertilizer. Do not use garden soil as it usually contains insects and small pests that eat away the vegetable sprouts.
4.Put the soil in the pot and bury the vegetable seeds inside. Press down the soil and sprinkle water on top. Place a fiberglass sheet underneath the pot to keep insects and bugs away from the vegetables. This also prevents the soil from spilling out of the pot
5.Place the planted pots on a stand or hang them on your patio wall so they receive an adequate amount of sunlight. Remove the vegetables once they are ripe.